Lucozade Sport Orange PMP £1.39, 12 x 500ml


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Lucozade Sport is an isotonic sports drink which provides carbohydrates and electrolytes to enhance hydration and help maintain performance during prolonged endurance exercise. Orange Flavour Isotonic Drink with Sugars and Sweeteners.

  • Fuels Performance – Lucozade Sport provides ~16g of carbohydrate per 250ml serving and electrolytes to help maintain performance during prolonged endurance exercise.
  • Enhanced Hydration – We lose fluid and electrolytes when we sweat which are important to replace. Lucozade Sport contains sodium, the main electrolyte lost in sweat, and carbohydrates to enhance hydration during physical exercise.
  • Bursting with Flavour – Not only does Lucozade Sport provide functional benefits, but we have also ensured all our drinks include mouth watering flavours.
  • Enhances Hydration
  • Fuels Performance
  • Made from Recycled Plastic
  • 12 x 500ml

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Weight6 kg